What to Expect from Your Visit to the Dermatologist
Visiting the dermatologist is an important part of maintaining your overall health. Your dermatologist can diagnose and evaluate a range of skin conditions, including skin cancer. If you’ve just scheduled your first dermatology appointment, you may be wondering what to expect. Here’s an overview of what will happen during your visit to your Salt Lake City dermatologist.
During your dermatology appointment, you’ll want to make sure that your dermatologist can easily examine all of your skin—including the skin beneath your nails! Remove any fingernail and toenail polish, and check over your skin yourself before your appointment. This will allow you to discuss any changes in your skin with the doctor.
During the Visit
When you arrive at your dermatologist’s office, you will be directed to a private exam room. If you will be undergoing a skin cancer evaluation, you will be asked to change into a gown. Your dermatologist will ask you a series of questions and discuss your concerns with you, and then she will look over your skin. The exam itself should only take about 10 minutes. During this time, your dermatologist will evaluate any moles, discoloration, and other skin issues on your body. If anything abnormal or concerning is found, your dermatologist may recommend a biopsy.
Depending on your skin issues, your dermatologist may recommend specific treatments or medications. If you will be undergoing treatment to address a skin problem, you’ll be able to schedule your next appointment after your exam. If your dermatologist has prescribed any medications, you will receive an explanation of how to use those medications. It will then be up to you to follow your dermatologist’s instructions for medication use and daily skincare techniques.
Are you ready to schedule a dermatology appointment? If so, contact Swinyer – Woseth Dermatology online or at 801-266-8841. Our dermatology center in Salt Lake City offers treatment services for a range of skin issues, along with cosmetic services and skincare products. You can learn more about what we have to offer by exploring our website and blog.