Recognizing the Dangers of At-Home Chemical Peels
Dermatologists often recommend chemical peels to people who are troubled by skin issues like areas of hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, and wrinkles. When administered by a doctor, chemical peels are safe and effective. But unfortunately, some people try to cut corners by doing chemical peels at home.
If you order a chemical peel product online, it’s possible that the product contains extremely high levels of acid. The acid burns away the tissues. In an unregulated environment, it’s possible for these strong chemical peels to result in scarring, undesirable changes in skin color, and infections. It’s even possible for a deep chemical peel that uses carbolic acid to cause heart, kidney, or liver damage. Your health should be your top priority. If you’re interested in having a chemical peel, you should plan on consulting a dermatologist.
You can get safe, effective chemical peels in Salt Lake City at Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology. Call 801-266-8841 to request an appointment with one of our experienced dermatologists.