If you have acne, skin discoloration, or fine lines and wrinkles, chemical peels can help restore a smooth, clear complexion. There are many…
Acne and rosacea are two of the most common dermatological conditions in the United States. They share many of the same symptoms, but getting an…
When you drink water, it provides essential nutrients to the cells in your body—including those in your skin. If you suffer from chronically…
Are your lashes looking thin? If so, you’re not alone. Not having enough lashes is a medical condition called eyelash hypotrichosis. The exact…
Acne is a very common complaint heard by dermatologists. It can strike at any age and cause self-esteem issues. Despite how common acne is, it is…
You might feel great while you’re out soaking up the sun, but when you do, you put your health on the line. If you love the outdoors, talk to…
At Swinyer – Woseth Dermatology, we’re proud of the accomplished team we’ve assembled to give our patients the best possible care. Our…
Who doesn’t want healthy, younger-looking skin? Your cosmetic dermatologist can offer a long list of procedures to help keep your skin looking…
Are you looking less than your best? Aging, stress, sun damage, and poor eating habits can all take a toll on your skin and leave you looking older…
The summer months are approaching, which means more time spent outside in the sun. Soaking up the sun may feel good, but it can be a disaster for…