You know that sunscreen is important for preventing painful sunburns and life-threatening skin cancer, but you may not realize that wearing sunscreen…
Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungal infection. It is highly contagious and easily spread in locker rooms, which is the reason for its name. If…
Moles are extremely common, and in the vast majority of cases, they are completely innocent. However, sometimes, a mole can indicate that you…
One of the most maddening parts of acne is that it can leave behind scarring long after breakouts have cleared up. When you’re undergoing…
You know that the sun can cause skin aging, but most people assume that just a few minutes of exposure won’t cause any harm. In reality, the sun…
Everyone wants skin that looks young and healthy, so it’s no surprise that anti-aging treatments are some of the most commonly performed…
Many women experience acne during pregnancy, thanks to an increase in the hormone progesterone. Although some acne treatments aren’t safe to use…
Rosacea can be a frustrating condition to treat. In addition to seeking treatment from a dermatologist, rosacea sufferers can also benefit from…
Bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells can partially block a pore, producing a blackhead. This is in contrast to whiteheads, which are completely…
Intense pulsed light (IPL) photorejuvenation therapy is a gentle, light-based treatment that can address several different skin issues. IPL…