Dealing with Hair Loss in Winter
The winter season is full of good things, but one thing that’s not so great is hair loss. As the temperature…
Small wonder, everyone wants to have beautiful skin. But in the winter when the weather is cold and dry your skin could get very dry, flaky, and…
Better skin this holiday season is a gift that will last you all year—or longer! Skin care is a delicate balancing act. You need the right…
With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time to get ready for holiday photos. Laser hair removal is a popular procedure among…
Eczema, also known as dermatitis, results from a hyperactive immune response leading to red, itchy, inflamed skin. Eczema is uncomfortable and…
Have you started noticing veins appear in your legs as you get older? This condition can occur in men and women of any age, but women of…
Do you have a troublesome double chin? Kybella can help! This injectable prescription medication improves the appearance of submental fullness,…
Many people assume that only teenagers get acne, but you can also experience breakouts as an adult. In fact, adult acne is…
Humans are mammals, so it’s natural to have hair all over your body. Still, the only place you want luscious locks is on your head. If you’re…
Your body has the amazing regenerative ability to repair itself. Unfortunately, the healing process often leaves unsightly scar tissue behind. If…