How Smoking Impacts Your Skin
When asked about habits that are most harmful to the skin, many people would probably mention unprotected sun exposure. However, there is another major lifestyle risk: smoking. Dermatologists strongly recommend that their patients quit smoking or never start smoking not only because smoking causes cancer, but also because it prematurely ages the skin.
To learn how smoking leads to premature skin aging, watch this candid interview. This expert explains that she can identify a smoker just by looking at the skin because the pores around the mouth and nose will be clogged with black tar. She also discusses some of the other troubling effects of smoking on the skin.
For a personalized assessment of how smoking has already affected your skin, you can turn to a dermatologist in Salt Lake City. Contact Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology at 801-266-8841 and ask us about our skin care services, including skin cancer screenings and laser hair removal treatments.