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A person holding a leaf

The Bipolar Nature of Spring

To say that spring weather is fickle is an understatement- it is all over the place! Swings in temperature and humidity, combined with the return of bright sunlight and an abundance of pollen, can wreak havoc on our health. What does all this wild weather do to your skin? Environmental shifts during spring can significantly impact people with certain skin conditions, and cause skin issues for just about everyone.

Skin Conditions Prone to Worsening in Spring

For those with chronic skin conditions, spring can be a trying time.

  • Eczema can flare up when allergens find their way into the skin. To prevent this from happening, people with eczema should limit time outdoors, avoid touching shrubs and bushes or sitting on the grass, wear a cream or ointment-based moisturizer, and ask about allergy shots. Swimming, both in saltwater and chlorinated water, has also been shown to help ease eczema.
  • Spring’s rise in humidity can trigger acne breakouts. Keeping skin clean and clear of oils, debris, dirt, dead skin, and environmental pollutants can help. Incorporating a gentle, hydrating chemical exfoliant twice a week is also a good strategy for keeping skin clear.
  • Those with melasma should be very careful as UV rays intensify in spring. UV radiation is a major trigger for melasma, so minimizing exposure by wearing sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat can help.
  • Psoriasis can get better or worse in the spring, depending on the person. Some patients find that an increase in allergens triggers more flare-ups, while others benefit from increased exposure to UV light. If you have psoriasis, get some sun exposure every day, but use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, so you don’t get a sunburn. Wear loose clothing, and protect yourself from insect bites. Try to minimize stress and anxiety, and use a gentle moisturizer to hydrate your skin.
  • Spring is sometimes called “rosacea season” by dermatologists. That’s because rosacea symptoms can be triggered by exposure to sun and wind. If you have rosacea, be careful to avoid your individual triggers, and be diligent about sun protection. Manage your allergies, and limit your exposure to wind.

What About People with Average Skin?

Even if you don’t have chronic skin issues, you may find that spring is unkind to your skin. It is smart to transition from your winter skincare routine to more spring-friendly skincare. Eschew the heavy moisturizers you slathered on during the harsh winter months in favor of lighter layers of hydration, like mists and serums. Keep your skin scrupulously clean, so that you make sure to remove pollen, sweat, and other substances that can irritate your skin and clog your pores. Drink plenty of water, to protect against dehydration and dry, tight skin.  And, of course, as in every season, never step foot outside your home without sunscreen. Additionally, avoid going outside when the pollen count is high, and wear insect repellent when you do go out, to protect against bites and stings from newly busy insects. Avoiding spring allergens like pollen and insect stings can help prevent skin irritation.

Let Swinyer-Woseth Help You Care for Your Skin

If you’re looking for a dermatologist to help you care for your skin, Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology is committed to providing superior, professional skin care in a manner that’s practical, efficient, and compassionate. We have the knowledge and skill not only to treat your skin but also to recommend skincare products to help you care for your skin at home. With over 30 years of experience providing dermatological services in Salt Lake City, we provide a variety of services, from cosmetic skincare to treatment for skin cancer. Our team of board-certified dermatologists and licensed cosmetic service providers are here to provide you with the care you need in a comfortable, professional atmosphere. Call (801) 682-4715 or contact us through our website.