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A person with curly hair holding her face

The Origins of Light Therapy

It’s trendy right now, but did you know light therapy for skincare has its roots in a 60’s era scientific discovery? A scientist in the 1960s, testing for the impact of low-power lasers on tumor growth, shined one on the shaved skin of a mouse. Unexpectedly, he noticed that the red light appeared to stimulate hair regrowth and, later, wound healing. By the 1990s, NASA was using LED lights to promote wound healing in astronauts, and now, light therapy is available clinically and through devices that can be purchased for at-home use. The big question is, does it really work?

The Science of Light Therapy

Today, dermatologists and aestheticians use LED light therapy, with low-level light within the visible spectrum, to improve skin by stimulating physiological processes. Consider this: for centuries, people benefitted from the effects of natural sunlight. However, people spend more time inside now, under cool-toned lighting, and it is understood that the UV rays from the sun’s light are harmful. LED light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, cuts out harmful light waves, using blue, yellow, red, and near-infrared lights, without including harmful ultraviolet light waves, to harness the healing benefits of light. This non-invasive treatment is used for a variety of skin concerns, including eczema, psoriasis, mild-to-moderate acne, rosacea, actinic keratosis, wounds, wrinkles, and sun damage. It can also be used to combat hair loss. Research suggests that, with regular treatment, you can expect to see improvement in your skin. So, is it better to schedule a series of visits with a dermatologist, or should you invest in a light therapy device to use at home.

Using LED Light Therapy Devices at Home

If you have spent any time on social media, you have no doubt seen plenty of at-home devices, claiming to work miracles for your skin. Do they live up to the hype? Sometimes. If you want to try a light therapy device at home, be aware that they can range from $100 to well over $1000, with therapy wands typically a better entry point for the curious, because they’re less expensive. Don’t go for something gimmicky, with a rainbow of lights, but choose red, near-infrared, or blue, as these are the only wavelengths that have been proven to be effective. Most importantly, look for a device that is cleared by the FDA. There are plenty of scams out there, with vendors selling devices that are not FDA approved and don’t have strong enough energy to be particularly effective.

Clinical Light Therapy

While you could purchase a device to use at home, it may be a better idea to see a dermatologist. In a dermatologist’s clinic, you will find light therapy devices that are more powerful than the ones you can purchase as a consumer, and that produce better results more quickly. What’s more, your dermatologist will know which treatments to use for your particular skin, and which other interventions work best with the light therapy being used.

Trust Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology with Your Skin

If you are interested in learning more about light therapy and whether it’s right for you, schedule a consultation with Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology. We offer different types of light therapy, including BLU-U Light treatment to erase sun damage and stop breakouts, and IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy, which is used to treat photoaging, mottled discoloration, broken blood vessels, age spots, red blemishes, rosacea, and general sun damage. Committed to providing superior, professional skin care in a manner that’s practical, efficient, and compassionate, we have the knowledge and skill not only to treat your skin but also to recommend skincare products to help you care for your skin at home. With over 30 years of experience providing dermatological services in Salt Lake City, we provide a variety of services, from cosmetic skincare to treatment for skin cancer. Our team of board-certified dermatologists and licensed cosmetic service providers are here to provide you with the care you need in a comfortable, professional atmosphere. Call (801) 682-4715 or contact us through our website.