Acne and Rosacea: A Patient’s Guide [INFOGRAPHIC]
Acne and rosacea are two of the most common dermatological conditions in the United States. They share many of the same symptoms, but getting an accurate diagnosis from your dermatologist is key to getting the right treatments. Although acne can strike anyone of any age, it is most common in teenagers. It’s marked by blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples that appear on the face, as well as on the arms and trunk. Rosacea is most likely to appear after age 30. Some people with rosacea get pimples—which is why it is sometimes called adult acne—but this condition is also characterized by red skin and broken blood vessels, particularly in the middle of the face. The doctors at Swinyer – Woseth Dermatology explain acne and rosacea in this Infographic. Make an appointment at our Salt Lake City dermatology practice if you’re suffering from acne or rosacea, and please share this information with your family and friends.