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A person in a white shirt

Dealing with Unwanted Hair

How much time, money, and energy do you spend on hair removal? Unwanted hair can be a source of frustration and a contributing factor to low self-esteem. Shaving, waxing, tweezing, threading, and other non-permanent hair removal methods can be inconvenient and, in some cases, painful. Are you ready to stop wasting time on all of that, by finding a more permanent solution? It may be time to consider laser hair removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a safe, effective method of permanent hair removal that requires very little maintenance and leaves you with smooth, hairless skin. Using targeted light energy, your practitioner can prevent hair follicles from growing new hair, using a process that is fast, affordable, and non-invasive. A diode laser is used to send intense bursts of energy into the hair follicles to incapacitate them without damaging the surrounding skin. It usually takes several treatments to make this removal permanent, but laser hair removal can be used on the back, legs, chest, bikini area, underarms, arms, neck, face, and just about any other part of the body.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

When you undergo laser hair removal, you will enjoy lasting effects. While it doesn’t actually permanently remove hair, it is a long-term solution, because it reduces the number of unwanted hairs in the treated area by up to 90 percent. When that hair does grow back, it is finer and sparser. Unlike shaving, waxing, and threading, laser hair removal doesn’t require much upkeep. While several sessions are required to get the desired results, there is only occasional maintenance needed once the treatment cycle is completed. You don’t have to take any downtime, since it’s a non-invasive treatment, and laser hair removal can reduce ingrown hairs and prevent inflamed bumps and itching, as well as removing hair. In fact, there is even evidence that it can reduce the risk of certain skin diseases, like folliculitis. And while you will have to invest in it at the beginning, laser hair removal saves money over time because you won’t have to shave and wax.

Let Swinyer-Woseth Help You Care for Your Skin

When you are looking for a dermatologist to help you remove unwanted hair quickly and easily, using state-of-the-art technology while ensuring your comfort, look no further. At Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology is committed to providing superior, professional skin care in a manner that’s practical, efficient, and compassionate. We have the knowledge and skill not only to treat your skin but also to recommend skincare products to help you care for your skin at home. With over 30 years of experience providing dermatological services in Salt Lake City, we provide a variety of services, from cosmetic skincare to treatment for skin cancer. Our team of board-certified dermatologists and licensed cosmetic service providers are here to provide you with the care you need in a comfortable, professional atmosphere. Call (801) 682-4715 or contact us through our website.