Diagnosing Skin Breakouts
Acne isn’t the only thing that can cause skin breakouts. There are several other things that cause inflammation, rashes, sores, and other lesions on your skin that often require treatment to prevent them from becoming worse. If you are having a skin breakout, see your dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Bacteria cause most skin breakouts. Folliculitis occurs when bacteria enter hair follicles and cause an infection that leads to red, pimple-like bumps. Cellulitis is a painful infection caused by bacteria that causes red, warm bumps and lesions that often appear on the legs. Boils are red and hard to the touch and are caused by a deep bacterial infection, while impetigo is a bacterial infection that causes pus-filled sores. Impetigo often occurs in children.
If you’re having a breakout or other skin issue in Salt Lake City, visit a dermatologist at Swinyer-Woseth Dermatology to get the treatment you need. Dial 801-266-8841 to make an appointment.